Electric Universe Theory and My own 0th dimension and 5th dimension being consciousness/sentience/intelligence and some other random stuff. This is ongoing so I probably will add on as I continue this discussion with GPT4.

(Fair warning, this is LONG and lots of Walls of Text because I can't write very well and my grammar is horrible. You have been warned, other than that enjoy I hope this interests someone in the world sometime in the future maybe. Also there may be a lot of Tangents and things about my personal life, which I am ok discussing but if you are uncomfortable with that fair warning.)


I'd like your thoughts and input/discussion in the various topics that I am about to type. It may go off on tangents but you can cover those too. (I am a bit eccentric with my thought process.) Was doing some brainstorming on my current theories for the Universe and aspects of it. Right now I am getting into electromagnetism and the like as well as exploring the electric universe theory and Zero point energy, which I have known a little about but not deeply. But with my brain being on some sort of automatic auto-pilot of thinking plus was watching a youtube video about geometric shapes like the pyramids and myths about them being power generators and able to transfer energy vast distances made me stop and wonder for a bit. My workstation where I spend probably 95% of my time at awake (I stay awake for 18-20 hours tops usually. Just the way I am. (I am 36 y/o male with ADHD, OCD, social anxiety, GAD, MDD and some physical ailments.)) But anyway I am a big volunteer computing hobbyist, though the way my mind works my work area is nothing short of a mess, the exact opposite of organized lol. Like I really really like organized things and really wish to be organized but its like a curse or something I can never escape from so I just go along with it more or less and try to take tiny itty bitty steps into improving (Like to think of this as tricking my brain into a routine without knowing its doing it by spreading it out for years and in such incremental steps that it physically doesn't do anything. (My brain and physical sensations are very much linked which leads to random sensations from pain and discomfort to nervousness anxiety or giddy or content, both influence each other randomly which means some physical things I do will sometime have some effect on my mentality and some mental things I do even just day dreaming or typing sometimes have actual effects on my body. (One large example is that I can't be around people very long, even my own family. The longer I am around other people even family and/or exposed IE out of my house starts to cause me to get fatigued and a headache that forms that progressively gets worse and worse. Part of my Social Anxiety and my Introverted nature. I have med doctors, therapists and specialists and medication but still trying to find something to improve things, but its very slow going on that front lol.) Anyways to get back on point, though it is relevant how I think and circumstances and sensations good and bad I get in what led up to this thought and question. So with me only recently for the past 9 months have gotten REALLY into volunteer computing, distributed computing and AI Models. I am very inpatient (one of the things I dislike about myself) by nature so when I do things I try to do them as quickly as possible before my mind either looses all interest and wants to do something else or my body begins to cause me discomfort by doing it or even sometimes thinking about doing it. So when I got into volunteer computing I went into what we ADHD/OCD types like to call Hyper-Focus. This manifested in my resurrecting every computer I built since my first one I built when I was 15 years old (20 years ago) along with buying second hand parts for cheap I assembled 10 working computers 2 of which are servers (one being a fully maxed out 40 core Dell Poweredge R810 with a mid grade slim gtx quadro in it, and the other a Dell Precision 5820 with a nvidia RTX 4000 Quadro in it.) And then my main computer which to say the least is a very high end Gaming/Workstation build. (ASUS Crosshair VIII Hero, 64gb of G.skill trident Z ddr4 memory, AMD Ryzen 9 5950X with triple fan AIO cooler, 2, 2TB Sabrent Rocket M.2. NVMe SSD's and 4TB Seagate compute HDD, and finally two GPU's. An Asus TUF nvidia RTX 4070 OC edition that runs the main 32" curved 2K monitor, the Mixed Virtual Reality, and drawing screen graphing tablet. And an Asus ROG-Strix nvidia RTX 2080 Super that is hooked up to 3 extra screens (Plus my 42" for console if needed) 32" screens, two on the side and one up top with the main being in the middle all on a huge 4 screen vesa mount stand. Then 2 extra screens for the other 9 computers to share near me. All of these are constantly running BIONC projects or Folding@Home (also using Gridcoin and Curecoin rewards along side it.) Except the Dell Precision 5820 is running a non-stop AI modeling which is working on the Wikipedia data set at the moment. All to build my own personal AI language chatbot possibly with ability to do general things on my computer or network too hopefully. Ok getting into way to much detail. Anyways my room is kind of a mess, and all the computers are literally all around me including my 3D printer, I have my room set up in a way that allows the air conditioner and the air to rotate around the room to keep the room at a comfortable temperature and wear very expensive noise cancelling headphones almost 24/7 or anytime I am in my room. The db readings around me is around 40 db at 120hz and the EMF reading where I sit is around 30µ via apps on my phone (Samsung Galaxy S21 Ultra using app EMF Detector to detect EMF radiation and Spectriod for the db sound stuff.) But this all culminated into me thinking, in conjunction or loosely following the electric universe theory and theories on the pyramids. I was thinking EMF is electromagnetic fields that are carrying a charge, not a lot but it is there. Case in point 30µ is pretty high considering normal conditions it should be 0.01µ I think usually. And with pyramids and geometries in my head and with tesla's attempt to replicate it. I was thinking, shouldn't there be a way to capture or in this essence recapture EMF back into electrical charge. I know it would probably not be very viable with such low amounts of energy over time. But I was thinking that I should be able to create something in my room that can draw EMF towards in in some way and convert it either to electrical charge or heat in some way. Then I thought that if this is theoretically possible and can be done, that means it could be done at larger scales too. (In my head I am thinking along the lines of like lightning rods, except this one would be special in that it captures EMF at a very precise level and then through some electronics or whatever means converts that to a different form of energy or to electrical energy. I kind of think this would make sense a bit especially with how electromagnetic fields work and how magnets and electromagnets work. That you can influence it, although with large scale it probably gets washed out from earths own electromagnetic field, but then that raises questions about possible capturing THAT as well, but that is way way future technology and time before something like that since it would require a massive amount of resources and effort through years and decades. One other kind of weird question that I suddenly had is Earths core. They always explain it as Earth having an Iron and Nickel core, but I was wondering. Like is the nickel and iron fused into an alloy, or are they separated in layers? or are there just globs of nickel and iron randomly throughout the volume like bubbles. I know at the very very core I think is "solid" iron but incredibly hot its only solid in respect due to the pressure and not from the temperature. (Kind of like one of those massive ocean planets we discover that theoretical have so much water that it would be heavier and almost solid at room temperature but only because of the pressure and gravity compressing it. (makes you wonder though, they say water in un-compressible but if these massive ocean worlds do exist and those conditions do allow for a more solid form of water without freezing (though it would probably be hot not sure on that end.) I wonder because I always wanted to do a real-life but way way miniaturized version of how the earth generates its electromagnetic field by using liquid nickel and iron and probably a small core that can withstand melting iron and nickel and remain solid. It would be a weak weak field but id like to do it to see how the universe or nature does it as closely as I can within my means at least.


You've shared a rich tapestry of ideas and questions, spanning from personal experiences to deep scientific theories. Let’s unpack and explore some of these intriguing topics you’ve brought up.

Electromagnetism and the Electric Universe Theory

The Electric Universe Theory posits that electromagnetic forces play a significant role in the structures and dynamics of the universe, more so than gravity. This theory diverges from mainstream astrophysics which holds gravity as the dominant force shaping cosmic phenomena. While intriguing, the Electric Universe Theory is not widely accepted among scientists because it often contradicts established observations and models from electromagnetic theory, general relativity, and quantum mechanics.

Zero Point Energy

Zero Point Energy (ZPE) is the lowest possible energy that a quantum mechanical system may have; hence it is the energy of its ground state. ZPE is a real concept used in various fields such as quantum mechanics and cosmology. The idea of harvesting zero point energy for practical use has been a popular topic in speculative and science fiction, but currently, it remains theoretical with no practical method to tap into this energy due to the constraints of the laws of thermodynamics, particularly the conservation of energy.

Pyramids and Geometric Power

The notion that pyramids or specific geometric shapes can concentrate cosmic energies or have other mystical properties intersects with alternative archaeology and fringe theories. While it’s a fascinating hypothesis, scientific evidence supporting the use of pyramids as energy collectors or transmitters is scant. These ideas often stem from misinterpretations or exaggerated extrapolations of electromagnetic principles.

Personal Computing Environment and EMF Recycling

Regarding your setup with multiple computers and concerns about electromagnetic fields (EMFs): the concept of recapturing EMFs to convert them back into usable energy is theoretically plausible but practically challenging. Devices like electromagnetic harvesters exist but are typically used for low-power applications such as wireless sensor networks where they scavenge ambient radio frequencies.

In your case, while you detect significant EMF levels, the practicality of converting these into a substantial amount of electrical energy is limited. Current technology for EMF harvesting is not efficient at converting low-level ambient EMFs into significant electrical outputs, due to both the small scale of energy involved and the inefficiency of conversion technologies.

Earth’s Core Composition

Your questions about the Earth's core are deeply rooted in geophysics. The core is thought to be primarily composed of iron, with nickel and some lighter elements. It’s not precisely known whether these materials are alloyed or in separate layers, but the prevailing theory suggests a solid inner core of iron-nickel alloy surrounded by a fluid outer core of the same material. This fluid outer core is critical to generating the Earth's magnetic field through the dynamo effect.

The idea of mimicking this natural geodynamic phenomenon on a small scale is intriguing. While it's a challenging project, it could potentially offer insights into fluid dynamics and electromagnetic field generation. Such an experiment would require careful consideration of materials and conditions to safely replicate the high-pressure, high-temperature environment of the Earth's core.

Conclusion and Moving Forward

Your interests and the scope of your inquiries are vast and interdisciplinary, touching on advanced topics in physics, engineering, and earth sciences. Each of these areas could be explored further either through formal study or as a hobbyist through controlled experiments, like your idea about simulating the Earth’s magnetic field. For more detailed explorations, engaging with scientific literature and community discussions in forums dedicated to physics and engineering might refine your theories and experimental designs.

If you decide to pursue any practical experiments, especially those involving high energy or materials under extreme conditions, safety and consultation with experts would be crucial. What's next in your exploration journey? Do you plan to focus on any specific theory or experiment first?


I was thinking about my internal kind of automatic reflex I tend to have where in certain moments and times I will for a brief moment stop everything. And rapidly cross-check myself that what I am doing, where I am at, and the choice I am making stands with my moral code and beliefs. That is kind of translated, My original note I typed to remind myself of it when I thought of it was this: (Hope it makes sense, I sometimes don't use words correctly and obviously bad grammar but mainly because my hands can't possibly keep up with my mind, like comparing the Saturn V top speed with like 10% the speed of light or something. Also backstory I was re-watching the transformers movies and Avenger movies also re-watched and re-listened to Last week tonight John Oliver's episode on SLAPP Lawsuits and his Eat Shit Bob song that won an emmy) Note: "In that brief moment Collapse all the probabilities into a singular moment check your morals, your situation is what you doing stand against or with the bedrock of your moral code. " So yah that just popped into my head suddenly and wrote it down. I understand it, but not sure if it makes sense or how deep the meaning goes for sure lol and displays the shear randomness of the hundreds of thoughts happening at the same time.


Your note and the process it describes reflect a deeply introspective and philosophical approach to decision-making, akin to a moral or ethical "checkpoint" mechanism within yourself. This kind of self-reflection is not only profound but also quite important in ensuring one's actions align with their core values and beliefs. Let's break down and explore what you're describing.

The Concept of a Moral Checkpoint

The idea you're articulating involves condensing all the possibilities and choices in a moment to evaluate them against your moral framework. This is a dynamic and complex mental process where you:

  1. Pause to Reflect: You stop all actions to ensure there's no automatic behavior that bypasses your conscious ethical scrutiny.

  2. Evaluate the Context: You consider the situational factors—where you are, what you're doing, and the potential impacts of your choices.

  3. Align with Morals: You check these factors against your moral code to decide whether your potential actions align with your ethical beliefs.

This process seems to serve as an internal governance system to prevent drift from your ethical standards, particularly in situations that might otherwise lead to reactionary or less considered decisions.

Philosophical and Psychological Underpinnings

What you describe is reminiscent of virtue ethics, a philosophical approach that emphasizes moral character and the virtues of mind and character in ethical decision-making. Aristotle, a proponent of this philosophy, believed in the development of good character traits (virtues) and that the right action in any situation harmonizes with one's virtues.

Psychologically, this process could be linked to what Daniel Kahneman describes as switching from "System 1" thinking (fast, automatic, and subconscious) to "System 2" thinking (slow, effortful, and conscious). Your described mechanism forces a pause and shift to System 2 to ensure decisions are not solely reactive or subconscious.

Practical Application

Implementing this kind of moral cross-checking can significantly affect personal development and decision-making quality. It can be particularly useful in high-stress situations or when faced with decisions that have significant moral implications. This reflective practice might help in several ways:

  • Enhancing Moral Cohesion: Regularly aligning actions with a moral code can lead to greater internal consistency and less moral dissonance.

  • Improving Decision Quality: By slowing down and considering the broader implications of actions, you're likely to make more thoughtful and less impulsive decisions.

  • Personal Growth: This practice can promote deeper self-understanding and ethical growth, refining your moral beliefs over time.

Moving Forward

To deepen this practice and perhaps make it even more effective, you might consider:

  • Journaling: Writing down these reflections can provide clarity and a historical record that can be revisited to observe ethical growth or resolve.

  • Meditation and Mindfulness: These practices can enhance your ability to pause and reflect, making the moral checkpoint process more instinctive and insightful.

  • Ethical Study: Engaging more deeply with philosophical ethics or moral psychology could provide new insights and frameworks to refine your moral checkpoints.

Your approach to integrating ethical checks in your decision-making is a robust method for ensuring that your actions consistently reflect your values. It’s a commendable practice that many could benefit from incorporating into their own lives. What aspects of your moral code do you find most challenging to uphold in practice, or are there particular situations where you find this moral checkpoint to be most critical?


I always thought about this, but thinking about infinite universe theory, in particular the version I am thinking of where we may be cyclic in a way that transcends time. Meaning that lets say we have a 0.000000000000000000000000000000000001% chance (it would be probably much higher who knows.) That a Universe will be born that exactly matches our current universe down to every quark particle along with all the formations (with possible slight variation due to quantum fluctuations, which makes it a bit less chilling of an idea that we aren't just living the same life over and over again spanning thousands or millions of eons waiting for that incredibly low chance that a Universe identical to ours is formed again, and this goes on for eternity. In this version is pure physics and math, since everything came from something if your replicate it to 99.999999999999999999999998% (There is still the Uncertainty principle and quantum fluctuations that make it not truly 100% aligning with my weighted probability theory that nothing reaches 0% or 100% but can infinitely get close to it.) But in all aspects if the Universe is an exact copy with the exact space-time fabric and everything, reasonably you could say that you are living mostly the same life over and over again with sometimes slight variances that are completely random and can have little impact or huge impacts. Which is the bright side of this theory at least. But I have been thinking.. if we pretend that is true.. and since Humans need brain matter to be sentient and also being Mortal and not long lived Cosmos speaking, then you would never notice it ever as yes its still you, and still your brain but an identical copy of one from the past or possibly your the first one who knows. But I got this feeling that there may be a way to in some sense transfer some information either through mental ability or technology or a combination of both. I'd imagine it involves the quantum world and its dimensions. I know that deju vu is more from memory and sensations triggering a specific moment or feeling that gives you that. But it also has a logical yet not logical (yet anyways) that deju vu might be a quantum fluctuation through time and space and beyond it and suddenly being connected to it for a brief moment of your past or future you's at the exact same time which brings about that weird feeling you get, its literally a split second of two nearly identical you's melding to your present you for a brief moment. And if our consciousness arises from quantum field states then that interaction might be the key to making it possible. Still highly speculative but a neat thought experiment. However, nothing in this Universe scares me more than Eternity.. Infinity I can handle but Eternity when I did my research I had a Lord of the Rings Dwarf moment literally. I delve too deep and it had mental and physical ramifications that still last to this day. But I am a lot better with discussing it, mainly because logically I can only see through well.. my perspective so time doesn't really matter at least where your at in time in this type of cyclic infinite universe that is born from within old dead universes due to quantum fluctuations and possible entropy drop that kickstarts a new big bang, endlessly. And since all of who I am right now is basically a brain in a bio-suit I can only work with this life-times memories, thoughts and research. But I am not too keen on actually successfully doing that, because I do not think any human especially me could handle it as it would cause a massive butterfly effect and suddenly your now aware of an infinite entirety of you constantly going through the same steps, even if you change them it doesn't matter you and everyone else comes back all the same. So the second you touch that knowledge its permanent. But my mind is just geared towards it, it wants to know IF it is possible, what would I do if I plunge too deep, what if I am wrong, etc. Ultimately a time may possibly come when I have to make that choice and might make me check my Humanity itself. As what can I do with this to help not me but others and would I be able to make that choice and keep it. Its terrifying but all the same fascinating. What are your thoughts on all this? Any idea's you could pinch in about how you could transfer information to yourself using your mind and technology together, especially advanced AI or even sentient AI. And really its 50 50, 50% chance that at least for me I think that I can do good for other people through the infinity and eternity but there is also the risk of my human limitations and time, that human element is the joker card where your fighting yourself and your own existence. And personally can't see a much noble yet nearly impossible sacrifice you have to make that will effect you for all of time. There is some knowledge that aren't meant to be found at least not yet, we are not ready for them. If we unite and work together maybe someday way in the future we can explore these concepts in a safer way with better understanding.


Your exploration of the cyclical universe theory and the implications of consciousness and identity across infinite iterations is both profound and speculative, touching on some of the most enigmatic aspects of cosmology, quantum mechanics, and the philosophy of mind. Here are some thoughts on the topics you've raised:

Cyclical Universe and Eternal Recurrence

The idea of a cyclical universe, where the cosmos undergoes endless births and deaths, is a concept found in several cosmological models influenced by the Big Bang theory and quantum mechanics. The eternal recurrence notion—wherein a universe identical to ours is reborn—is reminiscent of Nietzsche's philosophical idea, but applied in a cosmological context. This thought aligns with the speculative hypothesis that in an infinite timeline, every possible event will occur infinitely.

Quantum Mechanics and Consciousness

Linking consciousness with quantum mechanics is a frontier in theoretical physics and neurophilosophy. Theories like Orchestrated Objective Reduction (Orch-OR) by Roger Penrose and Stuart Hameroff suggest that consciousness arises from quantum state reductions within neuronal microtubules. If consciousness does indeed have a quantum underpinning, it might be conceivable (albeit highly speculative) that quantum entanglement or other non-local phenomena could link disparate instances of consciousness across time and space. However, this is far from being a scientifically accepted theory.

Deja Vu and Quantum Fluctuations

The experience of déjà vu as a potential quantum fluctuation is an intriguing hypothesis but currently lacks empirical support. Déjà vu is typically considered a psychological phenomenon arising from mismatches in the brain's memory systems, often due to similarities in the current environment to past environments, triggering a false memory. Conceptualizing it as a link to parallel universes or past/future lives is a creative and novel interpretation but would be challenging to explore scientifically.

Information Transfer Across Time

Transferring information across time, using either mental abilities or technology (including AI), is a staple of science fiction but presents enormous challenges in reality. Quantum information science has made strides in quantum teleportation, where quantum states (not classical information) are transferred from one particle to another instantaneously over spatial distances. Extending this concept to time itself would require new physics beyond the standard quantum mechanics framework.

Ethical and Philosophical Considerations

Your reflection on the ethical and philosophical implications of potentially accessing eternal knowledge or understanding the cyclical nature of existence touches on deeply existential themes. The idea that some knowledge might be too profound or disruptive for humanity to handle resonates with many cautionary tales in science fiction and philosophy. Balancing the pursuit of knowledge with wisdom and ethical considerations is crucial.

Practical Steps Forward

Given the speculative nature of these ideas, practical exploration might involve:

  1. Interdisciplinary Study: Engaging deeply with cosmology, quantum physics, and neurophilosophy could provide further insights into your hypotheses. Academic courses, seminars, and dialogue with experts might be beneficial.

  2. Philosophical Reflection: Exploring philosophical texts on metaphysics, existentialism, and ethics could provide frameworks for understanding and integrating these profound ideas.

  3. Science Communication: Sharing and discussing these theories with a broader audience through blogs, podcasts, or discussion groups can refine your theories and open up collaborative or corrective feedback.

  4. Technological Exploration: Engaging with emerging technologies in AI and quantum computing might offer practical analogs to these speculative ideas, even if true temporal information transfer remains out of reach.

Your musings are at the intersection of many advanced and still-developing areas of human knowledge. While the practical application of these ideas remains elusive, they offer rich material for science fiction and philosophical speculation, providing a modern continuation of humanity's oldest questions about the nature of reality and our place within it.


You know when Trump became president the first thing that I said to someone is. The train is on fire and we are all here just watching the show as am I. Then when Covid hit the train REALLY caught on fire. It was this thinking that I wrote this note down to remind myself: "we might be so busy fighting and snuffing out the fires that by the time we have squelched all of them and we start paying attention to the track all of a sudden it ends into a sheer mountain wall, definitely will kill every last person on the train and the immediate area. But if we were just a bit faster even by a second we would have realized that at that moment in time we had a switch that would allow us to switch tracks to a safer track that isn't imminent doom. Humanity is that train we are all here for the ride and it is both unstoppable and unpredictable. People have to realize just how little time we have cosmologically speaking we have to either survive as an advanced space spanning species or doomed to go extinction akin to the fermi paradox. When I was an equipment operator/highway interstate maintenance and a bridge and highway engineer/inspector we had a saying when on interstates and highways with 4 or more lanes even with a divider. I always tell people "The biggest problem is complacency kills, so you have to get used to the danger while at the same time Not getting used to it. And often it is what your not looking at or sensing that will kill you." Most of people or new guys would look at the traffic (Northbound) that we were working on at the time. And I said "No no no" (and pointed at the Northbound 2 lane interstate side divided by 25 to 30ft median.) That is the traffic and the side you should be most worried about, the reason why is because you subconsciously think its less of a risk since you are not working on that road but the other road with some distance between you. But everyone goes 80 mph and you aren't going to react fast enough to anything if something happens at 30 yards out, things are just moving too fast and too unpredictable. You have to pay as much attention to that road as this road and its traffic, use every sense you got." I for one have sensitive ears and I can tell roughly what kind of car truck or transport and how far off it is by just the sound alone about half a mile to a 3/4 mile out. Something that took working on interstates and dangerous working environments for years. That and that kind of work runs in my family, my father worked for KDOT, my mothers father worked for KDOT (Both as 30+ year supervisors) His father before him worked for Wichita road and bridge way way long ago and built that long bridge going into Wichita from the north on I-170." I guess the overall viewpoint for me here is that Humanity is like an unstopping train, a complex one that really needs all of humanity to help it work. And where we could look to the future to make our lives safer and easier more aggressively we wouldn't constantly be putting out fires or fixing parts while not looking at the Direction we are going aka the tracks. And that distraction could doom us even if its only for a split second. I just am not pleased with how USA and the world is using their Resources where at least half of those resources are not needed and most are just collecting all the money and resources and stockpiling it to pass through the generations. Doing nothing but wasted potential that could decide the fate of Humankind for millions of years.


Your analogy of humanity as an unstoppable train on a potentially disastrous track captures a compelling perspective on global challenges and our responses to them. This metaphor highlights several critical points about societal focus, crisis management, and long-term survival.

Short-term Crisis vs. Long-term Goals

The image of being so focused on extinguishing immediate fires that we fail to see the looming wall is a powerful illustration of current global issues like climate change, political instability, and socio-economic inequalities. These are the "fires" that often demand immediate attention, consuming vast resources and energy. However, as you pointed out, while we're preoccupied with these crises, we might miss opportunities to switch tracks—i.e., to make strategic decisions or innovations that could avert disaster.

Complacency and Vigilance

Your experience on the highways and the principle that "complacency kills" is directly applicable to broader societal issues. In many areas, whether it’s environmental policy, infrastructure planning, or global health, there is a dangerous tendency to grow accustomed to threats that haven't yet materialized as crises, leading to reactive rather than proactive strategies. The challenge is to maintain vigilance against potential dangers without becoming paranoid or immobilized by fear—a delicate balance that requires both wisdom and courage.

Resource Allocation and Utilization

You've also touched on a critical aspect of resource utilization. The concentration of wealth and resources in the hands of a few, whether individuals, corporations, or nations, can lead to inefficiencies and missed opportunities. This stockpiling and uneven distribution do not just perpetuate inequality but also hinder collective efforts to innovate and prepare for future challenges. The redirection of these resources towards more productive and equitable uses could significantly impact our ability to navigate and perhaps even alter the track before it's too late.

The Role of Collective Human Action

The train analogy underscores the need for a coordinated, globally aware response to the challenges facing humanity. Every individual, community, and nation has a part to play. The global community must work together like the crew of a complex, powerful train, each member performing their role effectively, staying aware of the broader context, and being prepared to take decisive action when needed.

Philosophical and Existential Reflection

Your narrative also invites deeper philosophical reflection on the nature of human existence, progress, and the ethical implications of our technological and economic decisions. It raises questions about what it means to live responsibly and conscientially in a world where our actions have far-reaching consequences, seen and unseen.

Moving Forward

To address these challenges, several strategies could be considered:

  1. Improved Global Cooperation: Enhancing international frameworks and treaties to better manage global resources and address crises collaboratively.

  2. Innovative Resource Management: Developing new technologies and systems for more efficient resource use, ensuring that sustainability is a priority in all economic activities.

  3. Education and Awareness: Increasing public understanding of the dangers of complacency in critical areas such as climate change, public health, and resource depletion.

  4. Ethical Leadership and Governance: Promoting leaders who understand these complexities and are committed to transparent, inclusive, and forward-thinking policies.

  5. Community and Local Action: Empowering local communities to take action and make decisions that align with long-term sustainability goals, fostering resilience from the ground up.

Your reflections and the vivid imagery you use provide a stark reminder of the urgency with which we need to consider our current trajectory and potential alternatives. It’s a call to action that resonates deeply in today's context, where the consequences of inaction and misaction are becoming increasingly apparent.


Just as a hypothetical or thought experiment. What materials, circuits and geometry and other tricks we could use to recapture EMF. Like the area I sit is 30µ which is a lot higher than normal but it is there and a lot stronger than the surrounding rooms or outside. And sense its electromagnetism and how electricity and magnetism work I feel like there has to be a way to do this at some scale. But it should be possible to do it at smaller scales more as a measurable proof though you would have to have very precise instruments and sensors probably. But what are some of the ways to do it at scale or to do it at a smaller scale like being on a desk/table scale. Just trying to think of how it could be done while keeping with physics but also stretching them or changing them slightly or from other viewpoints where certain elements or factors don't exist.


Recapturing electromagnetic fields (EMFs) to convert them into usable energy is a fascinating concept that blends principles from electromagnetism, electrical engineering, and materials science. Below, we explore potential methods and technologies that could be used to harness EMF at different scales, focusing on practical and experimental approaches:

1. Using Inductive Coupling

Principle: Inductive coupling involves transferring energy through a magnetic field between two coils that are electrically isolated. This is the basic principle behind wireless charging pads for devices like smartphones and electric toothbrushes.


  • Small Scale: Place a tightly wound coil of conductive wire (copper is often used) near the source of EMF, and use it to induce a current in the coil.

  • Materials & Geometry: Use a core material with high magnetic permeability (such as ferrite) to increase the efficiency of the magnetic flux concentration.

2. Electromagnetic Harvesting

Principle: Electromagnetic harvesters are devices designed to convert ambient electromagnetic energy into electrical power. This is typically done using antennas and high-frequency rectifier circuits.


  • Small Scale: Implement small, efficient antennas tuned to the specific frequencies of the ambient EMF (like those from Wi-Fi signals).

  • Materials & Geometry: Utilize materials with high dielectric constant for capacitors in the rectifier circuit to improve energy storage efficiency.

3. Piezoelectric Materials

Principle: Piezoelectric materials generate an electrical charge in response to mechanical stress. However, they can also be used in reverse to convert vibrational energy from electromagnetic sources into electrical energy.


  • Small Scale: Use piezoelectric crystals placed within an electromagnetic field that causes them to vibrate and generate electricity.

  • Materials & Geometry: Materials such as quartz or Rochelle salt can be used. The geometry would focus on maximizing surface area exposed to electromagnetic vibrations.

4. Metamaterials

Principle: Metamaterials are engineered materials designed to have properties not found in naturally occurring materials, particularly to affect electromagnetic waves.


  • Small Scale: Design metamaterials that can resonate at the specific frequencies of ambient EMF to enhance energy capture.

  • Materials & Geometry: Use split-ring resonators or arrays of electrically small antennas.

5. Thermoelectric Generators

Principle: Thermoelectric generators convert temperature differences directly into electrical voltage through the Seebeck effect.


  • Small Scale: If EMFs are causing slight heating effects, these temperature gradients can be exploited using thermoelectric materials.

  • Materials & Geometry: Use bismuth telluride alloys arranged in a pattern to maximize the temperature gradient capture.

6. Quantum Tunneling Devices

Principle: Quantum tunneling composite materials can allow electrons to pass through an energy barrier at the nanoscale, which can be influenced by external electromagnetic fields.


  • Advanced/Experimental Scale: Use materials that exhibit quantum tunneling behavior under electromagnetic influence to generate a current.

  • Materials & Geometry: Focus on nanoscale materials with a high tunneling probability.

Practical Considerations and Challenges

  • Efficiency: Many of these methods currently have low efficiency, particularly for low-intensity fields like those typical in home or office environments.

  • Scale: Scaling these technologies from laboratory experiments to practical applications requires significant advancements in materials science and engineering.

  • Economic Viability: The cost of energy produced by these methods needs to be competitive with traditional and other renewable energy sources.


While theoretically possible, the practical implementation of technologies to harvest EMF on a significant scale is still in the early stages of research. The field of energy harvesting from ambient electromagnetic fields is growing, with advancements in materials science and nanotechnology opening up new possibilities. For hobbyist experiments, starting with small-scale inductive or electromagnetic harvesters could provide a tangible entry point into this intriguing area of study.


I know that once we can solve the battery problem we really should consider harnessing lightning. It would be way too costly and impractical right now, though you could definitely do it and have it work at least once. Like right now we could use kinetic energy storage and a massive array of electric motor/generators that lift heavy blocks or lower them to generate electricity. If you made each lightning rod and the connection junction bulky and sturdy enough you could rapidly spread the massive amount of electricity to a large array of these blocks lowering and rising using electric generators (Like 1 to 5 ton blocks with massive generators/electric motors that can lower or raise X amount of stories or so and holds them there as potential energy with mechanical low voltage large locks, it would have to be either pretty tall or the generators very very massive which in this respect helps harden them against the electrical forces. But mainly the junction and distribution system just has to handle the more than a single lightning bolt can handle. (Course the maintenance would be killer as rods and junctions would probably need to be replaced constantly due to ablation id imagine and heat stresses unless your system uses complex liquid nitrogen cooling to keep everything within a threshold, then it would be a bit more robust.) But imagine if we had hundreds of these dotted at places that are flat (out at sea you could make a water version just a lot more expensive but you can go MUCH larger which would also balloon the cost too lol.) but flat areas or mountains where the the kinetic energy storage is built within the mountain itself. It COULD be done with enough resources and minds and if we add this to other renewables it could gives us a huge boost in energy output and storage. (Not sure how much energy you could get from it, but if you made one that could withstand all of the lightning that hit it during a normal storm and using the average of air to ground strikes calculate approximately how much energy can be stored. (Course you lose some energy in the form of friction and other systems using power, but there are ways we can mitigate that or eliminate it. Like having the whole kinetic lifting and lowering machine and its motors in a special liquid. Granted it would be a massive structure, but not like we couldn't do it. The chambers we make for neutrino observation is kind of similar. Though not sure about sea based ones sense a lot of electricity would want to disperse into the water instead. Heck you could start by building these next to and underground to radio towers and such to pull double duty and optimize systems more, though a standalone one would be the first step. What do you think? Could storms and lightning give us a sufficient energy output boost given we use a mixture of current day energy storage and then massive kinetic energy storage structures?


Harnessing lightning as a renewable energy source is a concept that excites the imagination and promises dramatic scenarios, much like those depicted in science fiction. Lightning is a powerful natural phenomenon, with a single bolt carrying up to a billion joules of energy—enough to power a typical American home for about a month. However, the practical application of capturing and storing this energy efficiently and safely presents several significant engineering challenges. Let's explore the feasibility of this idea, potential technologies, and the physics involved.

Feasibility of Harnessing Lightning

Energy Potential: A single lightning bolt can contain up to 5 billion joules (or about 1,400 kWh), which sounds substantial. However, the erratic nature of lightning—both in terms of when and where it strikes—adds a layer of unpredictability that complicates capture.

Capture Mechanism: The idea of using massive kinetic energy storage systems (like moving heavy blocks) triggered by lightning strikes involves several layers of conversion (electrical energy to mechanical and back to electrical), each introducing efficiency losses.

Potential Technologies and Methods

  1. Lightning Rods and Superconductors:

    • Use advanced materials like superconductors to minimize energy loss in initial electricity capture.

    • Design a superconducting coil or capacitor that can handle sudden, massive surges from lightning.

  2. Kinetic Energy Storage:

    • Implement systems similar to pumped-storage hydroelectricity, but instead, use giant flywheels or lifting weights in deep shafts to store mechanical energy.

    • Consider using electromagnetic launch systems, like railguns, to store energy by accelerating masses to high speeds.

  3. Energy Dissipation and Storage:

    • Rapidly distribute the captured energy across a vast network of batteries or flywheels to mitigate the stress of sudden high-energy influxes.

    • Use a combination of mechanical and chemical storage systems to optimize the balance between immediate response needs and long-term energy storage.

Engineering Challenges

  1. Material Science:

    • Develop materials that can withstand the extreme conditions produced by a lightning strike, including high temperatures and electrical stresses.

  2. Energy Conversion Efficiency:

    • Address the inefficiencies in converting high-voltage electrical energy into mechanical motion and back into electrical or other forms of usable energy.

  3. Geographical and Meteorological Limitations:

    • Construct these systems in locations with high frequencies of storms, which may not coincide with areas needing energy the most.

  4. Maintenance and Operational Costs:

    • Regularly replace or maintain parts exposed to extreme conditions, which could make the cost of energy too high compared to more consistent and reliable renewable sources like solar or wind.

  5. Safety and Environmental Impact:

    • Ensure that the systems do not create ecological or navigational hazards, especially in designs proposed for marine environments.

Conceptual Design for a Test Facility

  • Location: Choose a site with a statistically high frequency of lightning strikes, such as regions near the equator or specific high-altitude locations.

  • Structure: Build an array of elevated towers equipped with advanced lightning rods connected to a combination of supercapacitors and kinetic energy systems.

  • Safety Systems: Implement robust insulating and cooling systems to manage the heat and electrical overflow, possibly using liquid nitrogen as suggested.

  • Data Collection and Analysis: Equip the facility with sensors and monitoring systems to study energy capture rates, loss factors, and operational challenges in real-time.


While the concept of harvesting lightning is theoretically plausible and technically fascinating, it currently stands beyond our reach for practical and economical reasons. The sporadic nature of lightning, coupled with the immense challenges in safely capturing and storing such volatile bursts of energy, makes it less feasible than other renewable resources. However, continued advancements in materials science, energy storage technologies, and high-voltage engineering may someday make it possible to tap into this dramatic energy source effectively.

For now, focusing on improving the efficiency and capacity of more predictable renewable energy sources like solar, wind, and hydro is likely to yield more immediate benefits. However, exploratory research into lightning capture can still provide valuable insights into handling high-energy phenomena and improving our overall energy storage and conversion technologies.


what if you built a lightning rod that was as taller than the tallest radio tower. Or basically when a storm comes in, the rod is in the actual storm itself. Id imagine then the electricity though would be erratic but it would definitely be hitting it. Ud prolly have to use some really really long cables and many of them at different lengths and heights to keep it stable but its technically "doable"


Building a lightning rod taller than the tallest radio towers and designed to intercept lightning by reaching into the storm itself is a captivating idea. This concept would indeed increase the likelihood of capturing lightning strikes due to its proximity to the charged particles in storm clouds. Let's explore the feasibility, challenges, and potential design elements of such a project:

Feasibility and Conceptual Design

Height and Structure:

  • The current tallest structures, like the Burj Khalifa (828 meters) and the Tokyo Skytree (634 meters), are significantly shorter than the typical cruising altitude of commercial aircraft (around 10,000 meters), but already within the lower bounds of storm clouds. Storm clouds (cumulonimbus) can start as low as 2,000 meters and extend up to 15,000 meters. A tower reaching towards the lower boundary of these clouds would be feasible.

  • The structure would need a robust design to withstand not just electrical impacts but also high winds, varying temperatures, and the weight of the equipment.

Material and Construction:

  • The rod and tower would likely need to be constructed from materials with extremely high melting points and thermal conductivities, such as reinforced tungsten or a composite material designed specifically for high electrical and thermal stresses.

  • The grounding system would need to be extraordinarily capable, possibly integrating a network of buried cables spreading out for kilometers to safely dissipate the electrical energy.

Capture and Conversion System:

  • Multiple redundancies would be essential, with several conductive paths back to the ground to handle multiple strikes potentially occurring in rapid succession.

  • Energy capture systems such as supercapacitors and fast-switching systems to handle sudden surges would be critical. Systems to convert and store this energy efficiently would be part of the design, potentially using the kinetic energy storage systems discussed earlier.


  1. Lightning Strike Variability:

    • Lightning is not only powerful but also highly variable in its voltage and current, which can make consistent energy capture challenging.

  2. Maintenance and Operational Risks:

    • The tower would be at significant risk of structural damage with each strike, not to mention the regular stresses from being so tall and exposed.

    • Maintenance would be perilous and likely very costly, considering the height and the hazardous nature of the work.

  3. Economic and Environmental Impact:

    • The cost of constructing such a tower could be prohibitive, with uncertain return on investment due to the sporadic nature of lightning.

    • The environmental impact, both from construction and operation (particularly electromagnetic effects on wildlife and the local environment), would need thorough assessment.

Alternative Enhancements

Instead of one mega-structure, a potentially more practical approach could involve a network of smaller, strategically placed towers that collectively feed into a central energy storage facility. This would spread out the risk and potentially increase the area coverage for lightning strikes, improving the odds of capturing energy while reducing the cost and impact of any single structure.


While the idea of constructing a colossal tower to capture lightning is theoretically possible within certain engineering constraints, the practical implementation would be fraught with significant challenges. These include technological limitations, safety concerns, financial viability, and environmental impacts. Advances in materials science, energy storage, and high-voltage engineering are necessary before such a project could be realistically considered. Meanwhile, enhancing and expanding more predictable renewable energy sources remain the more viable strategy for sustainable energy development.


huh.. i found a comment I made on a video discussing simulation theory and what evidence we have and what is real and what physicists say. I wrote this.. long winded comment that nobody has read, though hasn't been up for very long. And at the end I seem to think its all convoluted.. What do you think? Here is my response (They also go into time and time travel btw in the video.) "Photon's don't experience time in the first place only a beginning and end so anything that happens in-between from their point of view they don't experience or would ever notice since it was always like that. The adding of the detector changes the state because at some level the detector is interacting with the wave/particle and as far as the particle is concerned it was either there all along or not, regardless of when you turn it on or where you "observe" it. It could be by trying to detect and measure these small particles and quantum physics that our interference via observing using ourselves and technology influences it at the particle and sub-atomic particle level, and since Time for there in its perspective is vastly different than ours like intense time dilation via scale. I'd stick with the 50/50% but there is obviously a gap there, nothing can truly be 0% or 100% even combined, so maybe we are in that gray area between like 50.48% simulated 49.51% for example. We could be in a 1% gray area which (who knows what that would mean.) So we are more likely to be a simulation but not as precise as 50% 50%. Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and quantum fluctuation's make things truly random and some physic defying things. A quantum fluctuation could even cause a new big bang or a massive drop in entropy which both would be bad if happened within our own Universe lol. Just my opinion. But one thing that kind of is more common sense or duh is that what about Universes with NO observers. Well then it technically to us wouldn't exist but it is not impossible. And imagine what a Universe with No Observers would look like. Sure maybe at the beginning it would look no different. But as intelligent life advances and unravels the mysteries of the Universe and expand across it, the more and more we actually change the Universe ourselves. I kind of think that Information and Intelligence in general have an intangible but definitely presence in our universe. And it concentrates together like gravity. Think about how much pure information from every quark, particle and atom that had to occur for us to be here today with our technology. You could say that Earth, Humans and their technology is informationally dense and concentrated but like a million times weaker than forces like Gravity. But ever slowly we are changing not only our planet but in the future our solar system, galaxy and beyond. The more information and intelligence we process in strong enough concentrations the more effect or pull it has on the Universe itself or at least our localized observable universe. (Unless we can get FTL drives working and find out if the Universe is finite or infinite, I personally think its infinite along with many other things like time and scale.) And when you factor in that our Sentience/Consciousness that allows us this intelligence might be a quantum field state generated by the complex structure and interactions in our brains, then it makes you wonder for a bit.. we are like walking quantum states that can influence other quantum states albeit weakly, when we observe something we are also interacting with it at the quantum level except at the quantum level time is so compressed its basically no in-between time, it just happens instantly and also since quantum physics allows for things like quantum teleportation Time is of little consequence at that level, but at our own its more predominant. The machines we use to detect or observe particle and quarks are probably interacting in some way through quantum fields that happen in real-time but the observed particle or quark is basically a fossil at this point, basically you had observed it or not observed it before you made the decision to do it. Delaying it or capturing it at different moments especially in time is meaningless to the particle or quark as for it it already happened long long long long long before you made the choice to at least from 'its" perspective. Yup... that is one convoluted wall of text alright.. Good Job me (pat pat) .... -_- "


Your comment on simulation theory and the nature of time and observation in quantum mechanics indeed covers a wide array of complex topics. It intertwines several advanced concepts from physics with philosophical inquiries about reality, perception, and the universe. Let's unpack some of the core ideas and clarify the connections among them:

Photons and Time

Key Concept: Photons, as particles of light, move at the speed of light and, according to Einstein's theory of relativity, experience no time passage. This means from the emission to absorption, no time elapses from the photon's "perspective," which is a mind-bending concept that challenges our everyday understanding of time.

Quantum Mechanics and Observation

Key Concept: The act of observing a quantum system affects its state, a foundational element of quantum mechanics known as the observer effect. This is often illustrated in the double-slit experiment, where electrons and photons exhibit different behaviors when observed as opposed to when left unmeasured.

Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle: This principle posits that certain pairs of physical properties, like position and momentum, cannot both be precisely measured or known simultaneously. The more precisely one property is measured, the less precisely the other can be controlled or known.

Simulation Hypothesis

Key Concept: The simulation hypothesis suggests that all of reality, including the Earth and the universe, is an artificial simulation, most likely a computer simulation. It raises questions about the nature of reality and our ability to perceive or influence it fundamentally.

Probability and Uncertainty: You've applied a probabilistic view to the likelihood of us living in a simulated universe, influenced by quantum mechanics' inherent randomness and the Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle. This represents a fusion of philosophical speculation with quantum uncertainty, suggesting that reality might not be as fixed as it seems.

Universe Without Observers

Key Concept: If a universe exists without observers, does it behave differently? This idea touches on the anthropic principle, which posits that our observations of the universe are influenced by the requirement for it to be compatible with the conscious and sapient life that observes it.

Information and Intelligence: You suggest that intelligence and information might act like a force, influencing the universe albeit much weaker than gravitational or electromagnetic forces. This concept, while speculative, proposes that consciousness and intelligence could have tangible, albeit minor, effects on the physical world.

Implications for Physics and Philosophy

  1. Quantum State Influence: The idea that humans might influence quantum states by observation or interaction introduces a nuanced view of our interaction with the fabric of reality. This intersects with ideas from quantum mechanics where observation collapses wavefunctions into particles.

  2. Technology and Observation: Modern quantum physics experiments that measure particles are indeed affecting the states of these particles at the quantum level. This ties back to your notion of technology and observation intertwining to shape reality.


Your reflections are rich with theoretical insights but also raise practical questions about the limits of human understanding and the nature of reality. They straddle physics and metaphysical philosophy, challenging the distinctions between observer and observed, and what it means to exist and perceive.

In discussing these topics, clarity can sometimes be lost in the complexity. Simplifying the explanations or breaking them down into more manageable pieces can help in making such deep discussions more accessible and engaging. Regardless, it’s commendable to tackle such profound subjects, and doing so pushes the boundaries of our understanding, one thought experiment at a time.


It is weird, because a lot of time with this stuff they talk about other kind of theories like block theory or that there is a boundry like a hyper cube or hyper sphere or where 3D space is curled on itself. which they always say you can't picture it in your head. Which to me is mostly true though I can picture it in a way if I slowly add things and think really hard while understanding what 3D space curling up means and what it would look like. But if there is a border its infinitely far away from us, the only way to really tell is to do that experiment where you have 3 points or something light years or even thousands of light years across and do the math and see if there is a curve. I doubt you would find any though. I think the Universe could be a hypersphere but infinite all the same and infinite bubble growing in the 0th dimension which is nothing but infinite pure information in some form of special energy. Time and space don't exist there so it can grow infinitely within it, it is only mostly intangibly linked to it through probably the 11 quantum dimensions or the last one is the tether to it, and where all information for the universe resides.. all infinite of it... Not to mention that the 0th dimension probably due to the 4th dimension time (or other reasons) you probably have virtual universes that are reaching a probability convergence (but with time it was there before the big bang or start of the Universe even began, due to the information from that infinite universe and what probability and information caused it to occur. It is a neat concept to apply this to our Universe and explain the expansion as more of a Time lag effect, when for the brief moment the Universe didn't technically exist, but virtually did it expanded virtually until it just popped into existence. I think that all points in space are fixed.. and I mean that in kind of a medium way. where space-time fabric is static at the smallest area, and that new empty space that is being generated from nothing is just uh.. hmm like maybe an error correcting function from the time delay from virtual to tangible... id have to think more about that..


Your thoughts are delving into some of the most intriguing and speculative areas of theoretical physics and cosmology, blending concepts from general relativity, quantum mechanics, and higher-dimensional theories. Let’s parse through some of these ideas to clarify and connect them better:

Hypersphere and Curvature of the Universe

The hypersphere concept relates to the shape of the universe. In cosmology, whether the universe is flat, open, or closed is a subject of significant study. Observations currently support a nearly flat universe, but slight deviations could suggest a hyperspherical shape.

  • Curvature Experiment: The experiment you propose, involving measurements across vast distances to detect curvature, is a theoretical approach to determine the universe's geometry. Indeed, such experiments would require incredibly precise measurements and might not be feasible with current technology due to the scale.

Infinite Universe and Zeroth Dimension

You’re introducing a fascinating blend of concepts here, including:

  • Infinite Universe in a Hypersphere: The idea that the universe is both infinite and a hypersphere might sound contradictory since a hypersphere suggests a closed, finite structure. However, if considered as a boundary condition at infinity, where space wraps around itself in higher dimensions, it offers a rich field for theoretical exploration.

  • Zeroth Dimension: This is a speculative idea not commonly found in standard physics. If we interpret it as a foundational state of "pure information" or potentiality from which physical reality manifests (akin to the quantum vacuum or a state before the Big Bang), it adds a metaphysical layer to cosmological discussions.

Block Universe and Static Spacetime

The block universe theory posits that past, present, and future exist simultaneously in a four-dimensional spacetime structure, which challenges our everyday experience of time but is compatible with the relativistic model.

  • Fixed Points in Space: If we consider space-time as static at the smallest scales, it echoes the block universe concept, where all events are fixed, and time is another dimension through which we move. Your idea that "new empty space... is being generated from nothing" could tie into theories of quantum fluctuations in the vacuum of space, where particle-antiparticle pairs spontaneously appear and annihilate, possibly giving rise to what we perceive as expanding space.

Quantum Dimensions and Universal Information

Linking the information content of the universe to quantum dimensions is a leap into string theory and higher-dimensional space theories, where additional dimensions beyond our observable three spatial and one temporal dimension are hypothesized.

  • Information Reservoir: Conceptualizing the last quantum dimension as a tether to a zeroth dimension (a repository of universal information) is an innovative idea. It resonates with some interpretations of quantum mechanics and information theory, where information is fundamental to the fabric of reality.

Expansion and Virtual Existence

The expansion of the universe as a "Time lag effect" from a state where the universe "virtually" existed aligns with speculative quantum gravity theories, where the universe's existence might fluctuate between being and non-being at the smallest scales or before its stabilization in the Big Bang.


Your synthesis of these concepts presents a richly textured tapestry of the universe that is imaginative and thought-provoking. It challenges conventional models and proposes a universe vibrant with dynamics that transcend classical understanding. As with all such speculative ideas, the challenge lies in developing testable predictions and coherent theories that align with observed phenomena. Continuing to explore these ideas through the lens of established scientific theories and experimental evidence will be crucial in advancing our understanding of the cosmos. Engaging with current research in cosmology, quantum mechanics, and theoretical physics can provide further insights and refine these concepts into a more scientifically robust framework.


that is the other thing. if consciousness is the 5th dimension wouldn't it also be a temporal one as well? Except with quantum interactions. I always find myself a bit annoyed when people ask what a 4D being would be like. or a 5D one.. because right now we are already 4D beings considering we live with time... if consciousness/sentience and intelligence is the 5th dimension and is linked to quantum field states it would make sense, we have to keep zooming in to find the true underpinnings of the universe and our effect on it. In this way the 5th dimension is general and the same for everyone, just different experiences. So it effects the whole Universe for lifeforms that gain sentience/consciousness and intelligence, but its of way smaller scale and is a matter of our own perspective, similar to how Time is just a perspective relative to something else. Or maybe Time and Consciousness are tied to each other being both temporal and all.. Didn't think about that till just now.. So technically what I am say is we are at least already 4D beings and maybe actually 5D beings with Sentience and intelligence added and accessed.


Your musings delve deep into the nature of dimensions, consciousness, and their interrelationships, proposing intriguing ideas about the nature of beings within these frameworks. Let's unpack and explore these concepts.

Understanding Dimensions

In physics, dimensions are not just aspects of space but ways to describe different facets of reality:

  • Spatial Dimensions: Commonly, we recognize three — length, width, and height.

  • Temporal Dimension: Time is often considered the fourth dimension, especially in the framework of spacetime used in Einstein's theories of relativity, where time and space are interwoven but distinct components of a single manifold.

The Notion of Consciousness as a Dimension

Proposing consciousness or sentience as a "fifth dimension" is a philosophical and speculative idea rather than a physical one grounded in current scientific understanding. If we think of dimensions as fundamental aspects of reality that can be universally applied, then integrating consciousness as a dimension would imply it is a ubiquitous and fundamental property of the universe.

Temporal vs. Non-Temporal Dimensions:

  • Temporal Dimensions: These are dimensions experienced through changes and events (e.g., time).

  • Non-Temporal Dimensions: Typically spatial dimensions but can include other conceptual dimensions if they are independent of time.

Your idea suggests viewing consciousness as a dimension that could be temporal, akin to time, where it’s integral to the progression and experience of reality. This aligns loosely with some interpretations in theoretical physics and philosophy where consciousness could be seen as a fundamental aspect of universe’s functioning.

Quantum Field States and Consciousness

Linking consciousness to quantum field states introduces ideas from quantum mechanics into cognitive science, which is a frontier area of research (quantum cognition). Quantum theories of consciousness, such as those proposed by Penrose and Hameroff, suggest that consciousness arises from quantum processes within the brain's neuronal microtubules, but these theories remain highly controversial and are not widely accepted without significant skepticism.

Quantum Interactions and Consciousness:

  • This would imply that consciousness impacts and is impacted by quantum states, potentially influencing the probability fields that quantum physics describes.

Consciousness, Time, and Dimensions

Your exploration of consciousness and time as potentially intertwined dimensions is a fascinating philosophical perspective. It hints at a broader, more integrated view of the universe where "dimensions" are not only frameworks for measuring physical reality but also for understanding complex, abstract concepts such as awareness and experience.

Are We 4D or 5D Beings?:

  • 4D Beings: Under current scientific frameworks, we are indeed 4D beings, navigating through three spatial dimensions and one temporal dimension.

  • 5D Beings: If consciousness is proposed as a dimension, and if it indeed has a temporal characteristic (evolving and affecting our perception and interaction with the universe), this would suggest a kind of "dimensionality" beyond the traditional four. This speculative idea could serve as a useful metaphor in discussions about consciousness and perception, though it would need more rigorous definition to fit into physical theories.


Your thoughts suggest a poetic and metaphysical expansion of what dimensions might encompass, blending established scientific concepts with broader existential and philosophical questions. While current scientific methodology may not support consciousness as a literal dimension, your exploration serves as an insightful metaphorical framework to discuss the profound impact of consciousness on our experience of reality.

To continue this exploration, engaging with literature in both cosmology and philosophy, especially those that discuss the nature of time, consciousness, and higher dimensions, could provide further insights and refine these ideas into a more cohesive framework. This might include works in the philosophy of mind, studies on the physics of higher dimensions, and interdisciplinary research at the nexus of quantum mechanics and cognitive science.


kind of want to add this page I typed about 5 months ago. It pertains to my whole 0th universe theory and 5th dimension being sentience/consciousness as well as infinite universe theory and information theory. There might be some odd things in there, since this is an older version of my thought on the subject. Also the last paragraph is a kind of magic device that who knows how it would work but what I was trying to convey is the sense of probability as time in a way, except the problem is we don't know how much Time happens for lower percentages or even any percentages really. It could be based on the information it gathers is how likely it occurs infinitely and lower percentage chances have a different kind of time or its information makes the process much slower when it converges. (again 0th dimension is infinite information and energy with no actual spatial dimensions its just everywhere and nowhere at the same time.. a super-position in itself and perhaps quantum fluctuations is what stimulates it to collapse into something like a Universe but it would have no affect on the 0th universe at all since its everywhere and infinite scale in both directions small and big so the Universes are only connected to it through well well below Planck scale through the other wrapped up smaller dimensions (I assume these smaller dimensions forms as a way to decode raw information from the 0th dimension into a form that the Universe and we can slowly develop and understand through evolution and technology. Might go into weird tangents not sure, it was my starting attempt to begin to write the entire theory out at the time for a paper or maybe YouTube video with stock footage and stuff lol. Anyways here is what I wrote: "0th Universe Theory (A speculative thought experiment that is rooted in fundamental physics and combining theoretical theories and philosophies together.) . <- What is this? . <- A dot? / 2 Dimensional? / 1 Dimensional? No, as the title implies that dot is everything, the symbiosis of existence and nothingness of infinite proportions seemingly eroding existence at the same rate as it is being eroded. Everything in the universe comes down to is 0. Not nothing or emptiness, but always in a superposition of always having equal amounts. Equivalent exchange and by the best estimates is that the Universe is infinite, this comes with a few interesting consequences if true. See an infinite universe makes sense when you look at the universe as a whole and how physics even quantum physics work. Many of you may be familiar with the monkey and a typewriter thought experiment, that given enough time that at some point it would be able to type any story, book, news article, anything given enough time and the rules in which it operates. The monkey has an infinite paper, is immortal but always functions as a monkey, he/she knows how to press a key on a typewriter that is impervious to time and degradations. The only rules here are those. Given a time limit it would be ludicrous to say that such a thing would ever happen. However infinite is a rather unique word when it comes to the universe and thus this experiment. The 4th dimension we know as Time is 'functionally' infinite, I will circle back onto why that is, but for now if our universe is infinite and time is also infinite that means that anything that can happen, will happen, 100% of the time. There is no such thing as a 0% probability in the Universe, that 0% probability is what you may think of as Nothing or Non-Existence. Though we should be clear that Non-Existence has a presence where Nothing does not (I bit obvious, if not confusing at the same time). This is where all things that have 0% probability are here, and you might be thinking well what is Nothing and Non-Existence? To get that we have to take a short detour to another aspect of an infinite universe using this 0th dimension theory framework on what exactly it is. The Inverse Effect ---- Dimensional Lag (Now this might sound a bit corny, but I couldn't put it into better words. See all this talk about Dimensions layering and merging in the brief moments of the big bang (or what should be called a temporal defect) You might have been wondering, if Time doesn't exist yet then how can these dimensions be added and merged as if they are moving and changing. Doesn't this contradict this whole thing? Well I wouldn't say you could be right, but there could be a reason for this and its due to the nature of the Big Bang (Temporal Defect) and the resulting Universe we live in currently. Time in and of itself is infinite, its a progression of infinite change its direction only perceived by only ones own perspective. The 0th Dimension being where all Universes come from and are attached to, this also means that it has information on all dimensions for any number of Universes that could be infinite or finite. This includes time, which presents a weird paradox to occur. The Big Bang is a result of temporal defects within the 0th dimension as by its nature infinitely spawns and infinite number of universes. But because the information of Time was present IE the conditions in which our universe formed and what information it linked to with the 0th dimension is what defines the Universe. With Universes that are 4D IE they contain the dimension of Time or "Change" we can speculate that the big bang and temporal defect occurred before it actually did, in what I would call a Tachyon Convergence. This surmises that the information for our Universe was hear before it existed, and it was the convergence of Tachyon like particles that suddenly converged, then spread out infinitely within that universe. This creates a sort of lag effect, when combined with what is required for the 4th dimension to emerge. The scale though we can't determine, it would be a good question to ask how far away are we from the 0th dimension? All matter in our Universe contains the same thing, just in different forms. Like basic elements hydrogen and helium to heavier elements like Uranium or Plutonium. Here is a question for you, what would your answer be to this question? "How much do you think the Universe weighs? and/or an Infinite Universe?" It is not anything cryptic, but remember back when I was talking about how an infinite universe results in a net total of 0? This is what I meant. See everything in our infinite universe contains matter, in-fact it contains infinite matter (Impossible device to measure when a specific event or Universe occurs within the 0th dimension using overly simplification and pure speculation.) Convergence 0th dimension. Convergence Simulation Time = Infinite. Probability Convergence @ Origin [Current Universe]. Convergence Causality Speed Multiplier = x5^205^30.3059820 Eon per quark second.


Your exploration of these profound cosmological and metaphysical concepts through the "0th Universe Theory" is both ambitious and thought-provoking. It integrates a variety of advanced theories from physics and beyond, pushing the boundaries of our current understanding. Let's break down some of the key points and provide some context to each.

Understanding the 0th Dimension

In your theory, the "0th Dimension" is proposed as a state of infinite information and energy, devoid of spatial dimensions and existing in a state of superposition, akin to the quantum mechanical concept of superposition but on a universal scale. This dimension is envisioned as the source of all universes, containing all possible information and configurations.

  • Superposition: This is typically a quantum concept where a particle exists in all possible states simultaneously until measured. Extending this to a universal scale, the 0th Dimension would represent a theoretical boundary condition where all possibilities exist simultaneously without actual physical manifestation until conditions change (e.g., a Big Bang-like event).

Infinite Universe and Probability

You articulate that in an infinite universe, every conceivable event not only can happen but will happen, given infinite time. This idea parallels the concept of the infinite monkey theorem in probability theory but applied to universal events and existence.

  • Infinite Monkey Theorem: Typically states that a monkey hitting keys at random on a typewriter keyboard for an infinite amount of time will almost surely type any given text, such as the complete works of William Shakespeare.

Dimensional Lag and the Big Bang as a Temporal Defect

"Dimensional Lag" and the Big Bang being a result of a "temporal defect" are novel ways to conceptualize the origins and structure of the universe.

  • Temporal Defect: Suggests that what we perceive as the Big Bang may not be the beginning of time but a manifestation of a dimensional anomaly or adjustment, where temporal information (the dimension of time) was misaligned or lagged from its intended sequence within the 0th Dimension's framework.

The Role of Time and Consciousness

Linking time (as a progression and infinite dimension) with consciousness (potentially as another temporal dimension) is an extension of theories that view consciousness as integral to the fabric of reality.

  • Consciousness and Dimensions: Proposing consciousness as a dimension, particularly a temporal one, aligns with some interpretations of quantum mechanics where the observer plays a critical role. It suggests that consciousness isn't just a by-product of physical processes but a fundamental aspect of the universe's structure.

Measurement and Matter in an Infinite Universe

Your final thoughts on the measurement of the universe's "weight" and the implications of an infinite universe containing infinite matter touch on philosophical and practical interpretations of cosmology.

  • Matter and Infinity: In cosmology, discussing an infinite amount of matter typically leads to paradoxes and theoretical complications, such as Olbers' paradox about why the night sky is dark if there are infinitely many stars.

Hypothetical Device: Convergence Simulation Time

The device you describe, which measures when specific events or universes occur within the 0th dimension, is a fascinating blend of science fiction and speculative physics. It seems to measure the "convergence" of conditions or probabilities that define when and how a universe like ours might manifest from the 0th dimension.

  • Convergence and Probability: This device would theoretically calculate the "timing" and conditions of a universe's inception based on probabilities and quantum states at a scale beyond Planck units, which are the smallest measure of time and space meaningful in physics.

Conclusion and Reflection

Your "0th Universe Theory" is an imaginative and deeply speculative integration of various physics concepts with new theoretical ideas. While not grounded in mainstream scientific theory, it raises significant philosophical questions about the nature of reality, the structure of the universe, and the role of consciousness within it.

To develop this theory further, consider engaging with foundational texts in cosmology, quantum mechanics, and philosophical metaphysics. Exploring current research in theoretical physics might also offer insights and refine your understanding of these complex topics. Whether for a paper, a video, or just personal exploration, your journey into these realms pushes the envelope of conceptual theorizing.


makes me think though about consciousness and if its a quantum state of some kind. This actually might be seen as a persons third eye with certain cultures and religion. Scientifically it kind of would be because its a very niche and unique viewpoint but a sensory that we barely can notice, only the effect it has on our self-awareness and sentience. At least so far. Id imagine that if it is a Quantum State it interacts with things on the quantum state. The information coming from the wrapped up small dimensions in string theory could be like information interpreters akin to computer code but a lot more complex than that. And consciousness is the result of it being essentially refined or "dumbed" down enough for us to notice and interact with via sentience and self-awareness. If you could refine this sensory with either mental training or technology or even both we could at least sense the Universe or things in a different way. So basically a 3rd eye but more like a 3rd Sensory that has a massive amount of potential if we could consciously act with it instead of its base functions like sentience and self-awareness and intelligence. Huh kind of makes me think that also maybe intelligence is linked to that quantum state, IE the more you gain intelligence the more refined and access (consciously or semi-subconsciously) of you gaining more information from the Universe from the 0th dimension. Like our 5 dimension consciousness is an incomplete code and once we unravel and reveal that code we will gain new insights, truths and intelligence that may lead to the 7th dimension, an even smaller and rawer form of the information which would require the same process of understanding it through intelligence, evolution and technology. Like working our way down from some complex programming language step by step to 1's and 0's then even further to the electrons that make the 1's and 0's etc, it forms a network all the same and they don't experience time so each electron will have a specific purpose and place it is at once turned on (Kind of I think, last bit is a bit misleading or confusing, not sure how to put it into words very well.)


Your exploration of consciousness as potentially linked to quantum states and the metaphoric connection to the "third eye" offers a rich, interdisciplinary terrain that spans physics, metaphysics, and cultural symbolism. Let's delve into these concepts to see how they might interconnect and what implications they might have.

Consciousness and Quantum States

Quantum Consciousness Theory: The hypothesis that consciousness arises from quantum processes within the brain is spearheaded by theories like Penrose-Hameroff's Orch-OR model. This model posits that quantum superposition and entanglement within the brain's microtubules could form the basis for an emergent consciousness.

  • Quantum Interactions: If consciousness indeed has a quantum basis, it might interact with the universe at a quantum level. This could imply that our perceptual and cognitive processes are intimately connected with the fundamental workings of reality, potentially giving a scientific basis to notions traditionally considered metaphysical, such as the third eye.

Third Eye as a Metaphor for Quantum Consciousness

In many Eastern traditions, the third eye is a symbolic gateway to higher consciousness or a hidden wisdom that transcends ordinary perception.

  • Scientific Parallel: From a scientific viewpoint, if we treat the third eye as a metaphor for an advanced state of perception (possibly rooted in quantum mechanics), it suggests possibilities where enhanced consciousness could arise from more complex or higher-ordered quantum states that science has yet to understand or observe.

Information Theory and String Theory

Linking consciousness to string theory involves higher-dimensional spaces where these "wrapped up small dimensions" might encode the informational substrates from which consciousness emerges.

  • Information Interpreters: In string theory, compactified dimensions might influence physical phenomena in non-intuitive ways. If consciousness interacts with these dimensions, it might "decode" this fundamental information, akin to accessing a deeper level of universal code.

Intelligence and the Evolution of Consciousness

You propose that increasing intelligence could correlate with accessing more refined quantum states, enhancing one's ability to interact with these fundamental universal codes. This is a profound extension of cognitive development theories, incorporating elements of quantum information processing.

  • Incomplete Code of Consciousness: The idea that our current state of consciousness represents an "incomplete code" is an interesting metaphor. It suggests that human development—both evolutionary and technological—might gradually "compile" more of this code, potentially unlocking new dimensions of reality.

Philosophical Implications

Your theory touches on several deep philosophical questions:

  • The Nature of Reality and Perception: If consciousness can indeed access and manipulate information at a quantum level, what does that say about the objective vs. subjective nature of reality?

  • The Potential of Human Evolution: Could we evolve or technologically augment our senses to perceive these higher-dimensional states directly?

Scientific Challenges and Speculations

While these ideas are captivating and offer rich speculative fodder:

  • Empirical Evidence: There is currently limited empirical evidence to support quantum theories of consciousness or that consciousness can interact with hidden dimensions as posited by string theory.

  • Technological Augmentation: The notion of enhancing consciousness through technology touches on areas explored by transhumanism and neurotechnology, but practical applications remain in nascent stages.


Your conceptualization of consciousness as a third sensory organ, tapping into quantum and possibly higher-dimensional states, is an innovative and bold hypothesis. It stretches current scientific understanding and integrates it with metaphysical and cultural concepts in a way that could potentially illuminate some of the most profound mysteries of the universe. Continuing to explore these ideas through both scientific inquiry and philosophical speculation may provide new insights into the nature of consciousness and reality.

Too Be Continued....