My Belief-ish

What my belief is since it is a bit more complicated than Atheism.


Nicholas J Kunc

9/16/20231 min read

Depiction of my belief system in abstract as it is not an easy path to follow and comes with risks.
Depiction of my belief system in abstract as it is not an easy path to follow and comes with risks.

My Belief System in simple terms.

I base my belief system on logical probability. In a world filled with uncertainties, my faith thrives on a probabilistic approach. For example, if I encounter three different religions and atheism, I consider them as additional data points in my ever-evolving understanding of life and the universe. I assimilate this new knowledge and conduct mental exercises to evaluate and adjust my belief probabilities.

This method allows me to assign different weights to each belief or possibility. For example, based on what I know and understand now, I'm 90% convinced the universe began with a Big Bang. I also theorize that consciousness might be intertwined with the quantum realm. As for my morals, they're grounded in a combination of inherent values and an evolving understanding of right and wrong, guided by principles like "do unto others as you'd have them do unto you".

At its core, my belief system champions uncertainty and perpetual learning. It emphasizes the importance of objectivity, especially when debating. While I am open to and accepting of all religions, and my belief in their validity might shift based on new knowledge, I respect individual faiths and would never impose my beliefs on others.

I am a very imaginative person in my mind and am naturally empathetic so I can better understand other peoples and my feelings and thoughts.

Nicholas J. Kunc