Donation To Tearspirit Disclaimer

All donations will go to volunteer computing aka BOINC to its infrastructure, operating cost, and enough for me to get by in the slight chance large donations are put in. This will be updated in the future as things go. Just know that my venture and dedication to BOINC computing is genuine, but if I get Donation backers then I will treat this as a Non-Profit Organization. If it ever gets to that point then further details will be given. On behalf of this websites owner Nicholas J Kunc swear that all donations will go towards this goal that being volunteer computing with transparency being the forefront of work ethic. This is displayed by the yellow Donate button above the Tearspirit Donation Disclaimer. Please do not confuse links to other sites for other donations. Basically there should be no confusion who you are donating to. I support a lot of donation programs especially mental health so I will promote it on this site.

As for right now all donations will go to operational cost (Energy Bill) depending on donation amounts other things such as upgrading equipment or buying new equipment. Showings results of the volunteering effort done by me Nicholas J Kunc (Tearspirit if I ever get it trademarked as I am using it as a future name just in case.) Further updates on transparency and how it will be handled TBA.

-Nicholas J. Kunc

Tearspirit logo for blog and volunteer computing
Tearspirit logo for blog and volunteer computing
Tearspirit Disclaimer

Tearspirit is a placeholder name. Only if I am able to take off with my NPO for volunteer computing and/or custom pc building I will worry about copyright and trademark. For now any services or interactions with Tearspirit or me its founder are on a 1 on 1 conversation. Tearspirit and I (or given name) will have transparency and relatability. Helping people learn more about computer and volunteer computing. All statements our property or made by said author of each article if needed in the future. This could change in the future.

All images and logos where created using a variety of editors and AI image generation. The logo is still a work in progress, but getting close.

-Nicholas J. Kunc

Tearspirit Disclaimer and Donation Disclaimer